what to do if supervisor is overworking me

If you lot are peachy at your job – and I mean really bully – and so I know a few things well-nigh y'all:

  • Much more is expected of y'all than your coworkers.
  • You are expected to produce under tighter deadlines.
  • Your pay isn't fair – people who produce less brand the same or more as you.
  • No dominate has ever truly appreciated how hard you work.
  • It's happened at every job you've ever held.

And most significantly:

  • It's slowly killing you.

Unless you lot piece of work in a position where your efforts are direct connected to results (e.grand. sales), then being practiced at your job can be a life judgement of hard labor.

It's not easy to modify your approach to piece of work to take back control and save your health and sanity. It is possible, however, if you are willing to undergo some serious self-assay. Because the problem isn't everyone else.

Information technology's you.

But, let'due south start by talking nearly everyone else! It's more fun. We'll get to the hard parts in a chip. So, what'southward going on with this system that can pile so much work on your plate? I call information technology The Three-Legged Stool of Discontent:

  1. Socialism
  2. disharmonize avoidance
  3. naive hope
The three-legged stool of discontent
You can click all images for a larger version.

Leg 1: 90% of jobs have a heavy dose of Socialism

This is the key, underlying reason why you are overworked. I'thousand serious. Yous see, here in America, state of Commercialism, we don't like to admit that we have anything at all to do with Socialism… isn't that for Communists or something? Non for us hither in the good old Us.

Ha. Read this quote from Karl Marx and run into if you lot don't exercise it every single day:

From each according to his power, to each according to his demand.

It'due south the entire reason yous are taking intendance of your children or your elderly parents: you have the ability, someone else has the need. Your kids aren't paying you to change their diapers and haul them to band exercise. Quite the opposite, in fact: y'all're paying for the privilege, even if you aren't enjoying yourself. It's why we volunteer. And acts of charity are function of every mainstream religion.

"OK. Fine. We are Socialists in our personal lives. Just not at piece of work. That's where people have to earn their manner."

Well…sort of. Yes, you must bear witness upward to piece of work and produce some minimal amount of effort, and in exchange, you get a paycheck. And then far so practiced. Simply tying bounty to product is tough in many lines of work. And therein lies the problem…and the reason you are working your guts out and Kevin in the next cubicle is playing fantasy football all day and getting the same salary.

Karl Marx wrote the perfect clarification of my work environment. Click To Tweet

One of yous has the abilities that your boss needs. One of you has proven that he doesn't accept any discernable abilities beyond excellent draft picks.

For the same pay (or more), one of you has a cake job. And one of you lot is regularly working across maximum capacity.

Hard worker vs. slacker tasks at work

'Kevins' avoid certain jobs

Of class, in that location are jobs where production quotas are clear and like shooting fish in a barrel to mensurate. If y'all are in one of these jobs, this article doesn't apply to you.

Here, I'm talking to those workers with no performance goals, or hazy goals nigh "synergy" and "teamwork." Or employees who share departmental rather than personal goals. I'chiliad likewise talking near jobs with pay scales based on position and years of service, where people earn more than just by sticking around and avoiding getting fired.

And even though I'm focused on front-line workers, I understand that skilful bosses can have bad bosses, too, all the way up the concatenation.

So how does Kevin go away with it?

Leg two: 90% of bosses don't like conflict

Kevin gets abroad with it because ninety% of humans don't like conflict, and labeling them "managing director" doesn't magically change that. Thus, it's much easier for your boss to ask yous to throw together a last-minute PowerPoint for the meeting tomorrow ("You know, when yous become the time, merely I demand to run across information technology before I get habitation tonight") than information technology is to ask Kevin. Because:

A. She'due south busy. She just wants it freakin' washed, and washed right the first time.

B. Assigning something to Kevin will only make her life harder since he'll whine and complain and still not go it done on time and to her standards.

C. You e'er come up through, no matter what.

And, equally a bonus, you are plain satisfied with a hearty "job well done" rather than extra coin. The work is its own reward! No thing how much she piles on, you never quit, so deep downwardly you must love information technology.

The steps to a higher place are way easier than holding Kevin accountable. Sure, Kevin won't score quite as high every bit you on his yr-cease performance rating, but he won't exist marked down much either. Why? because he's never given piece of work at which he might fail. So he'll be running his fantasy league typhoon next season, likewise.

Your dominate may get slight pangs of guilt most piling the heaviest load on the best equus caballus, but she'll discover ways to justify it to herself.

A boss's guide to irritating employees

Hi, managers! I know some of you are reading this. In case you're wondering about the near-effective methods for aggravating your hardest-working employees, here are two pro tips.

Get-go, always minimize the corporeality of work your employees practise. Whenever you assign a new chore, be sure to say things like, "This won't take long," or "This task will be really easy for y'all," or – best of all – "This usually simply takes me an 60 minutes."

This technique accomplishes two goals at the same time: It keeps your employees from complaining about how much piece of work you're dumping on them (no i wants to hear that, am I right?!) AND it helps you lot feel much amend nigh overworking your best people to death.

2nd, ever complain nearly your own workload, specially in response to your employees venting about theirs. The slackers you manage take no idea how difficult your dominate is expecting you to work, so be sure to tell them at every opportunity.

You're already bragging lament about the ridiculous amount hours y'all work to partners, friends, and your followers on social meda, and then don't go out out your employees! They dear hearing that their boss is unhappy with the amount of work information technology takes to earn a bigger paycheck than they are.

And the terminal leg of this iii-legged stool of discontent…

Leg iii: 90% of workers think they'll exist "taken intendance of" if they but piece of work hard enough

Now we are starting to talk most yous, your task and your naïve hope. This is the hard role.

"If I but work hard enough for long enough, someone will take care of me and requite me the coin/promotion/acclaim that I deserve."

Possibly. But consider: Do you lot care about the best interests of others, all the time? Exercise you lot get out of the mode to ensure that someone else who is working hard gets their just due? No? Or merely sometimes? Well, neither does your boss.

No magical transformation occurs when a worker gets promoted to direction. He isn't transformed into a Female parent Theresa, an utterly selfless private who exists to serve the best interests of his employees. We have human bosses, not programmable robots. And humans are, by and large, concerned first and foremost with themselves, even if we manage to conceal that fact most of the time.

Are you saying something similar this to yourself right at present?

"I'1000 nether no illusions that management is ever going to fully recognize my contributions. I'm merely working this difficult because they'll fire me if I don't."

Maybe. Maybe non. If someone else on your squad is underperforming and in no apparent danger of dismissal, and so regardless of your fears, y'all could underperform for months with no risk. After all, if they fire you, who'due south going to practise the work? Non Kevin.

So that'due south how this situation develops. It's a mismatch of power and dedication (yours) with an organization that is not set up to reward private difficult workers.

Is there whatsoever hope that things will change?

Why nothing in your chore is going to modify

First, empathize this: you will suffer the worst if the overall quality of your organisation is mediocre.

The greater the difference betwixt your abilities and the abilities of those with whom you work, the less management volition be capable of recognizing high performers. Remember, all those managers used to exist mediocre employees. They will imagine that they used to work just as hard as you even if it's not true. Their inclination will exist to discount any complaints they hear.

2nd, if your abilities make others feel inadequate, your accomplishments volition be minimized. Information technology's chosen "Crayfish Syndrome" and we've all experienced it.

Supposedly, if you have a saucepan of crayfish 1Tiny lobster-things. FYI: Crayfish = crawfish = crawdads. Only they are and so piddling, they should be "crawbabies." and one tries to crawl out, the others volition reach up and pull it dorsum.

Note: Always click on these → 2I have a problem leaving anything out, but out of consideration for my readers, who are already going above and beyond with these long articles, I tuck some of my thoughts away. And so I tell you to click and read them anyhow… for additional, slightly off topic but yet interesting stuff. Go ahead, try it.

Crawfish in a bucket holding one back from success
Click – click – click… they are coming for you.

Nobody likes to see testify that their "I'm a hard-working, important person" persona is wrong. And in that location you are every single day doing more and getting it done faster. That cannot exist acknowledged or it might crack the fragile self-image they piece of work and then hard to maintain.

Pulling you down is much easier than exterting themselves to climb upward to your level.

I work in a saucepan of crayfish. No matter how hard I try to climb up, they pull me back. Click To Tweet

Location, location, location

And the final reason why nothing in your job is going to change? Because your work neighborhood is dragging down your value. The price of the all-time firm gets dragged down past the neighborhood boilerplate. Your work raises the average output of your team, only they gain more from this effort than yous practice.

Yay squad!

So what tin yous do? It's a multi-step process, and some of the steps are difficult. By the fourth dimension you finish, you'll know what you're up against and whether you want to start down the path of irresolute your work situation.

Piece of cake to fix? No.

I don't write about easy answers to difficult situations. I write virtually realistic answers to difficult situations.

Let'south get started.

Avoiding Expiry from Overwork

Assessing your work identity

Any genuine effort at alter must start with serious personal examination. I'll warn you that it tin can be uncomfortable.

Are you fooling yourself virtually how hard you lot work?

I know y'all aren't digging ditches or mining coal; it'southward not the full corporeality of piece of work you practice. Our only concern is how hard you lot are working in relation to your coworkers. But, still…be brutally honest: are yous actually working that much harder than everyone else? Day after 24-hour interval?

OK. I believe y'all. Let's movement on.

How much of your identity is tied to your blazon of work?

Some people go to work and then go dwelling house and don't recall about work until the next morn. Some people think about piece of work all solar day and all night. Some people love to say, "I'chiliad a history teacher" or "I work in accounts receivable" when a new acquaintance asks what they do. Are you one of those people?

Information technology'due south not right or wrong to take employment be an integral role of your identity. But you should acknowledge it earlier you make any alterations to your work life.

How much of your identity is tied to where you work?

Practice you similar being able to say "I work at Microsoft?" Are you lot going to feel less important if you get another job and have to say, "I piece of work at Acme Estimator Programming" fifty-fifty if information technology pays the same or more than?

It's something you should think nigh earlier you decide to quit.

How much of your identity is based on how hard you work?

Do y'all brand a signal of telling other people how many hours you are putting in or how much work you bring home over the weekend? Is it important to your cocky-image that others perceive you to be an incredibly difficult worker? Do yous similar beingness the go-to person, in spite of how much piece of work information technology involves?

In other words, would you lot consider information technology a bluecoat of honor to say, "They had to hire two people to replace me when I quit?"

It's best to be aware of this before you lot try to cutting down on your hours, unless you are OK with fibbing a bit about how busy you lot are.

Side notation: Why do we remember that others want to hear our tales of piece of work woe when we don't desire to hear theirs? I dare you to share this:

I dear listening to how hard other people work. Please respond with details. Click To Tweet

Who is suffering from you spending too much time – both physically and mentally – at work?

No one but yous? Don't discount that. Y'all may have lost friendships that accept withered from lack of attention, or let family unit relationships grow tenuous.

It'due south quite likely that others accept been afflicted past your physical or mental absenteeism. Who are they? And how have they been harmed?

I told you this wasn't going to exist easy

Information technology would be a lot easier for me to write articles with titles like "How to make your boss appreciate you and get paid what y'all're worth." Just, y'all know, I don't like lying to people.

The next questions are even harder.

Assessing how you approach personal relationships

… at your job and in your personal life.

Are you constantly looking for approval from others, such equally your family?

This is hard to acknowledge. Nosotros all look for approving to a certain extent. But you can judge whether information technology's an "am I fitting in thing" or an "I promise everyone notices me because if they don't I'll feel like a failure" affair.

Do y'all experience that you have to piece of work harder to earn love?

Is your automatic response to disapproval (or imagined disapproval) to dig in and work harder? To "prove them" that you are worthy of approval?

Do you consider dedication and loyalty to be among your primary characteristics?

Both dedication and loyalty are awesome and admirable traits. Nil to exist aback of. Just something to be aware of that can be used against you by people with an calendar.

Do you hate to disappoint others?

As in, you lot volition practice nearly annihilation to avoid it, especially if they may express disappointment to your face? A lot of this comes from our determinative years every bit children, not that information technology matters. It's nevertheless an extremely hard emotion to deal with.

How hard is it for you to say "no" when asked to do something?

I mean a hard "no," as in, "No, I won't be able to do that." Not a soft, delight-read-between-the-lines, never-really-use-the-give-and-take-no "no," which sounds something like, "I'k already taking on that other project and I was going to get out on time to come across my kids' recital tonight…"

That's not "no." And you know it.

(Past the mode, I accept a two-article series that is all about how to say "no" that you might find helpful.)

How often do you do things that you wish you had refused?

This includes both work and not-piece of work things. Many families are actually expert at guilting you into obligations, but like manipulative bosses. Worse than bosses, actually.

How comfortable are you with confrontation?

Does the word "confrontation" make your tummy tighten up just thinking near it? Or do you lot honey it? If you beloved it, yous are a unique individual. Not judging, just an ascertainment.

These answers are essential.

Why? Because they underlie the reasons why y'all keep getting taken reward of, no matter where you work.

That's enough introspection. After double checking your responses for honesty, it's time to consider the large question:

Are you lot capable of changing your own approach to work?

It's almost incommunicable to modify other people. Yous'll see this when y'all consider the steps below. So it's imperative that you know, deep downward inside, if you are able to change aspects of your personality that let others to take advantage of you.

You see…

  • if you dislike confrontation
  • detest disappointing others
  • tin can't bring yourself to say a hard "no" when yous hateful "no"
  • and you can't run across yourself e'er changing that

…then the only style your situation is going to ameliorate is if you find a job where you these traits are not used against yous.

At present that y'all understand yourself better, it'south time to empathise your job meliorate.

Assessing your electric current job

These are easier questions than those above. You're an skillful on how awful your job is! No introspection required.

Are you an insider or an outsider?

If you work for a family-endemic concern and you aren't family unit…well, that could be an effect. But you can also exist an outsider because you lot don't have the aforementioned credentials as others. For case, y'all didn't go to the correct school or don't accept the caste or certification that anybody else has.

What is the level of politics involved?

Who gets ahead, or gets special consideration? Is it mainly brown-nosers?

Exercise you take goals that allow you to easily necktie results directly to your – and merely your – efforts?

Remember the give-and-take of sales jobs higher up. Most jobs aren't like that, simply some take similar elements of individual accountability.

How are people paid?

If there is a salary schedule based on position and fourth dimension in service? Are at that place almanac caps on raises?

Are raises given on a schedule?

When raises are given only annually, it ordinarily means that your boss and her boss have limited ability to pay you more.

Bottom line: does your system's structure even let for you to become paid more? Or does it take an act of Congress to become a heighten?

Video: My lightbulb moment

3 minutes, 54 seconds | subtitles available

The central question well-nigh your current job is this:

  • Is it set to allow recognition of outstanding performers?

Some companies are just not built to let individual performers to stand out. Yes, high performance tin pay off over time, but a plodding path must exist followed to any reward. And there is no way to circumvent this route unless you lot are well-connected.

(Past the style, if you were well-connected, you wouldn't be reading this.)

Assessing your current boss

Actually, your boss's boss, likewise, if that applies. I'm talking well-nigh the management group that controls your daily efforts.

Exercise you become along with your dominate?

I mean, when you aren't steaming about being taken advantage of.

How effective is your boss at holding people accountable?

This can be gauged by how many people get away with less than total endeavour.

Does your boss minimize the amount of piece of work involved in the tasks she assigns?

Even when she assigns more than to y'all, or assigns things that only you can do?

Lesser line: Can you alter your relationship with your boss to discourage overwork? Are y'all willing to do this?

This means acting a lilliputian like people who get fewer tasks than you lot…acting a bit more than like Kevin. If the thought of doing this turns your stomach, the answer is "no."

Changing bosses

Some other consideration is whether you can change managers within your company, assuming there are other managers who treat their workers differently. If the entire trouble is your particular boss, then seeking to alter units or departments might exist your all-time showtime footstep.

Conclusion time

Never expect that other people will change because you want them to. You can only alter the way that you collaborate with them. Sometimes acting differently will cause them to alter the way they care for yous. Sometimes – or most times – not.

So, because everything above…

Do y'all want to alter anything at all?

Y'all may non exist up for the try and consequences involved. Your personal life may not be in a position to exist disrupted with drama. At that place could exist any number of reasons to allow the proverbial sleeping domestic dog prevarication. But if y'all aren't going to (or willing to) do anything about it, and then perchance it's time to stop complaining. But that's upwardly to you lot.

If you do desire to change, y'all have ii obvious options.

Quitting and starting over in a new job

Your thoughtful analysis may lead you to the conclusion that you have to get out to improve your work life. But be warned: the bike volition repeat unless you modify.

If you are proverb to yourself:

"I'll notice a job where they appreciate me and how hard I work."

…and then you lot are already doomed. I'll illustrate that to ensure you get my point:

The overachiever job cycle

You're doomed unless you're willing to pursue a line of work where you are held explicitly accountable for your individual efforts, such as sales. Which is a whole other level of stress.

Or you tin can join an organization that has extremely loftier expectations for all of its employees. High-pressure professional organizations often pay a lot more, but they really know how to squeeze the last driblet of work out of you. When anybody is working sixty to lxxx hours a week, then you tin complain freely along with the rest, but don't expect anyone to take you seriously.

Only let'south assume that you just want a different-only-sort-of-the-same chore. This is your big adventure to change schools, so to speak. You lot know, like a teenager changing schools during summertime interruption and taking the opportunity to create a new persona. Leaving behind the nerd caterpillar and emerging as the cool butterfly. That's you.

Boring caterpillar turning into awesome butterfly
Nice hat!

To avoid repeating the same story, y'all are going to accept to underperform in a way that won't feel natural. Your instinct volition be to throw yourself into your new job to prove how awesome you are, in the process revealing all your infrequent talents. Within six months, you'll be right back where you lot are now.

Instead, you lot'll need to use your skills without advertizement them. You want to perform like this:

Graph of how much to outperform coworkers

Still giving your employer more than than they look, but non your total knock-it-out-of-the-park, hooked-on-overwork operation. The central is that you lot can evangelize +10% functioning without working extra hours.

Think: once you testify superhuman powers, you lot can never scale back without being labeled a slacker – someone who is not living up to their full potential.

Now yous just have to detect something besides work to fill your life with meaning.

The end of the 'company man'

Yes, to all who are shuddering at this prescription for succeeding in a new chore, I did starting time off in the era when devoting yourself to your job earned steady pay increases and lifetime employment. That era is long over, and anyone who thinks all employers have their workers' long-term best interests at heart is naïve. 3Not to mention the touch that increasing automation is having on all industries. Yes, the computers and robots really are making man labor an expensive luxury, and faster than yous think. No company is going to keep you employed out of nostalgia for the erstwhile days.

With rare exception, employer/employee relationships are non similar a family. They are a commercial transaction: yous work for a set up period, you get paid for that fourth dimension. But no guarantees for the future.

Simply ask the people y'all know who take been laid off.

Irresolute Your Electric current Job

I saved this for last because it'due south the hardest matter to exercise. Yep, even harder than starting a new job.

It'due south as hard as changing the characterization that your family has placed on you. You lot know, the one they continue reapplying at every family unit gathering, no thing what you do or how much y'all've grown and changed since babyhood. Humans like to label because it makes it easier to deal with others if you tin can lump them all into categories. 4There was an evolutionary advantage to this at one fourth dimension. Y'all were either a fellow member in good standing of the tribe, or you were not. And if you weren't, y'all were automatically bad. Which was a pretty accurate and life-saving generalization for millions of years.

And once labeled as "bad," at that place was hardly ever a need to reassess, so might likewise make the label permanent. As you have experienced, nosotros are not well-served by this labeling instinct in the modernistic world.

And your work "family" volition resist changing their assessment of y'all every step of the way. They will be just as disappointed that you are non living up to their expectations as your mother.

Hither'south the change-your-current-job process.

Y'all tin try talking it through with your dominate

Yes, it will feel confrontational and you'll exist tempted to talk around the upshot. Just somewhere in the volume of words that you spew, you take to communicate this:

"I'm getting more than done than anyone else, yet more is asked of me and I get no actress pay. I don't think this is off-white. What can be washed?"

Notation: You lot have not directly implicated your boss in overworking you lot. Don't set off a defensive reaction by beingness also explicit.

You'll know from the response if there'south whatever promise. If information technology helps get the message beyond, this is also the fourth dimension to reveal a socially acceptable reason for not working as hard. Such as:

"I demand to focus on my:

  • health
  • children
  • parents
  • other pressing and universally understood reason."

(Maybe don't say "pets.")

People like reasons that give them an out. And so your boss tin say to himself:

"Robin is backing off on piece of work considering of a personal situation, not considering I've been an overbearing taskmaster."

You lot don't need to brand a indicate of crushing others into befitting to your needs. Who cares if they need to justify it in some way? You lot but desire the result, which is lessening your own workload.

Whether you have a discussion or not, you volition take to move on to the next stage. Which is where it gets fifty-fifty harder.

Commencement disappointing people

This is super hard. But all I'm saying is get-go doing the same amount of work as anybody else, or at most +ten% to all the same stand out a flake. Which is fashion less than people are used to getting from you. Which means they'll be disappointed. You are the best judge of how to avert overwork in your particular situation, but consider the post-obit.

Terminate volunteering for extra stuff

If someone wants something done, they need to ask. Every time you volunteer for more work, you set a new floor for what is expected of you. If you get actress work washed every unmarried time, you'll ever become extra work.

Stop meeting arbitrary deadlines that no one else is meeting

This means not scoring imaginary points for being the only person to meet the borderline. Which in reality no one cares near. Which is why everyone but you blows information technology off.

Start using the aforementioned excuses equally other people

"I can't add that to my plate right now," etc. Yous've heard them all for years. Cull a couple as your quick-response phrases.

Get ready for the fallout

Across changing perceptions about y'all, there's another consequence: someone has to do the work. Bosses don't stop coming upwards with extra work just because you are no longer available to practice it.

It volition take as of force you have to not allow coworkers to suck you lot in, even if yous could do the task faster (and they know it). It'southward called tough dearest. They need to larn and grow and rise to challenges, just like y'all had to.

This process of realigning your relationship with bosses and coworkers could take a year or more than. Information technology may require some management turnover to really stick.

Be prepared to fill your fourth dimension

So hither you are, exactly where yous've always said y'all wanted to be: doing an advisable amount of work. No more long hours, no more weekend texts and calls.

Now what are you lot going to do? Where will your validation come from?

Retrieve about it.

Avoiding a life judgement of hard labor

The world desperately needs people who are expert at their jobs – there is a lot of of import work that needs doing. Your earth, notwithstanding, desperately needs you.

I'g talking about everything that makes upward your earth: family unit, personal passions…even pets, if that'southward important to yous. When we allow our jobs to drain the best of ourselves every day, when we can't ever completely refill our motivation for piece of work and life, then something has to change.

No one – no one – will ever fill this deepening pigsty in your life with magical appreciation or some equivalent amount of money that makes your grueling work schedule worthwhile.

But you tin can nautical chart your own course from this signal forwards. Serious self-test is the starting time step, followed by letting get and realigning priorities. Information technology'due south really hard to change our human relationship with work. I've washed it, so I know it'south possible.

I know that you can practise it, too. Let'due south get started.

Until next time… recollect: Think about it. A lot. Then do something.

Scott Weigle signature


Source: https://overexamined.life/job-overwork-stress/

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